Pipeline Location
There are four main types of pipelines: crude oil, liquid, gas and chemical. Most run underground, and are clearly identified by markers along routes that identify their approximate – not exact – location. Typically, markers are found where a pipeline intersects a street, highway or railway. Pipeline markers do not indicate depth or number of pipelines in the vicinity, and the pipeline may not follow a straight course between markers. Every marker provides the name of the operating company, the product transported, and an emergency contact phone number.
Pipeline Operator Contact Information
Emergency Contact Directory:
City of Brackettville 8am-5pm 830-563-2412
After Hours Emergency 5pm-8am 830-563-5882
Types of Markers
Pipeline Marker: The most common marker, it contains operator information, product type, and an emergency contact number. They are typically yellow, black and red – but size, shape and color may vary.
Aerial Marker: Patrol planes that monitor pipeline routes use this skyward-facing marker.
Casing Vent Marker: This marker indicates that a pipeline (protected by a steel outer casing) passes beneath a nearby roadway, railway or other crossing.
Without risking injury, turn off equipment and eliminate ignition sources
Leave the area by foot immediately. Try to direct bystanders to leave the area, and attempt to stay upwind
From a safe location, immediately call 911 or your local emergency response number. Then, look for pipeline markers and notify the pipeline operator
Natural gas and highly volatile liquids are often colorless, tasteless and odorless. Gas transmission/gas gathering pipelines are odorless, but may have a hydrocarbon smell.
Unusual smell
Petroleum odor
Gaseous odor
Quiet hissing to loud roar, depending on the size of the leak and pipeline system
Light a match, flip an electrical switch, ring a doorbell, or start a motor vehicle or electrical equipment
Come into direct contact with escaping liquids or gas
Drive into a leak vapor cloud
Attempt to operate pipeline valves
Attempt to extinguish a petroleum product or natural gas fire
Recognizing a Pipeline Emergency
Liquid pools
Continuous bubbling in wet or flooded areas
Oily sheen on water or surfaces
Vaporous fogs or blowing dirt around a pipeline area
Dead or discolored plants in an otherwise healthy area
Frozen ground in warm weather
Pipeline Operator Contact Information
Emergency Contact Directory:
City of Brackettville 8am-5pm 830-563-2412
After Hours Emergency 5pm-8am 830-563-5882
Non-emergency contact information:
Phone: 830-563-2412